The Benefits of eSignatures for Healthcare

Posted 19th August 2024

The healthcare sector typically remains behind other industries in terms of utilizing new digital technologies for document processing. However, by embracing eSignatures and other related solutions, healthcare organizations can maintain the security and integrity of patient data. Whilst ensuring their processes are optimized to avoid delays and disruption in providing care.

In this guide, we’ll be exploring the benefits of electronic signatures for healthcare, so organizations in the industry can get a better understanding of how this technology can support their operations and improve their workflows.


Why are traditional handwritten signatures becoming a problem for healthcare?

The healthcare industry has to follow complex compliance requirements and often has multiple different departments and networks of people to go through (doctors, nurses, pharmacies, insurance companies, etc). This means organizations likely prefer to continue with their established paper-based processes to ensure their compliance with regulations like HIPAA and avoid any liabilities.

However, this results in healthcare workers often drowning in paperwork. This is more likely to increase the risk of errors and delays in key processes involving patient care. When healthcare workers are having to spend a significant amount of time on paperwork, they can’t focus on providing the best possible care to their patients. Paperwork can also be a burden to patients who end up involved in bureaucracy, whilst trying to manage the physical and emotional impact of their treatment. 

Having to fill out several forms and potentially experiencing long wait times for prescriptions, can often lead to unnecessary stress and frustration for patients. Digital solutions like electronic signatures are effective in simplifying these processes and improving the patient experience. In fact, statistics have shown that e-prescriptions can reduce processing time by around 20%.


What are the benefits of eSignatures for healthcare?

the benefits of esignatures in healthcare

Create a better patient experience

One of the biggest benefits of eSignatures in the healthcare sector is their ability to provide a more streamlined experience for patients. As we have discussed, patients can be left waiting too long for the medications they need due to slow prescription processing times. Also, there is the burden of completing several different forms that often ask for the same information. When patients simply want to focus on their treatment. 

By using electronic signatures and digital solutions it can be much easier to collect the patient information you need. Saving both your organization and the patient time and stress. This can speed up the process of patients receiving the care and treatment they need. With staff less consumed by slow and mundane administration work.


Streamline processes and reduce costs

eSignatures provide an effective solution for healthcare organizations to streamline their document processes. Therefore, they can minimize the risk of human error and significantly reduce costs on paper and other related expenses. Such as printing, ink, postage, storing documents etc. 

It might not seem like much initially, but paper costs quickly build up. An analysis conducted by Harvard Medical School, the City University of New York at Hunter College, and the University of Ottawa found 34% of all US medical costs, including doctor appointments and health insurance, comes from paperwork. Not only that but the average hospital has to manage 45 million forms and documents that need to be stored in a secure but accessible way. A process that is very costly. 

By leaving behind outdated paperwork processes and streamlining administrative management with e-signature solutions, healthcare organizations can simplify their workflows. Therefore, improving efficiency and productivity for staff. Additionally, the cost savings that can be made by removing paper based systems allows for the budget to be allocated to other important areas of your organization, that focus on improving patient care.


Track and manage workflows

Electronic signatures and digital document solutions can help healthcare organizations to manage their workflows more efficiently. For example, there are robust processes in place surrounding medicine stock and accessibility. But managing this using paper documents can be incredibly time consuming and potentially lead to an increased risk of mistakes being made. Both during stock takes and other key processes. Secure digital solutions can automate these workflows, reducing the admin time for your staff and maximizing the accuracy of your data through improved tracking.


Limit your environmental impact

Removing paper-based processes from your healthcare organization can limit the negative impact on the environment. This is because less paper means less waste which results in lower carbon emissions. Your carbon footprint can also be reduced by no longer having to post and transport paper documents across sites and to patients. As a result you can work towards important sustainability goals and ensure you are making a positive contribution in the ongoing efforts to mitigate climate change. 


Legal and regulatory compliance

High quality eSignature platforms should guarantee that your organization adheres to all relevant industry regulations and standards, such as HIPAA. To achieve HIPAA compliance, the eSignature solution you select must provide secure, tamper-resistant signatures along with a comprehensive audit trail. This trail should record key information including the date, time, location, and IP address associated with each signed document. Such features are essential for safeguarding patient data integrity and privacy, which therefore mitigate risks.

Documents processed using a high quality digital solution like eSign, are also stored securely, meaning they are only accessible to authorized individuals. eSign’s electronic signatures are fully valid and legally binding in accordance with the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA). Both Acts establish the definition of an e-signature and how they can be used. Confirming the signer’s intention to be legally bound once they electronically sign a document.


Highly secure

An essential consideration for any healthcare organization that is looking to transition to digital document processes is how secure their new systems will be. eSignatures from a reliable provider will have robust security protocols, systems, and procedures in place to ensure that patient data is safeguarded at all times. 

For example, at eSign we use SSL encryption to protect our user data. As well as having malware protection, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and vulnerability testing in place to maintain the highest standards of security. We have even earned multiple accreditations including ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 which demonstrates our commitment to having systems and policies in place that go above and beyond industry standards.


eSign’s healthcare organization case study

esign and ncha case study results

eSign works with several healthcare organizations to help them implement an effective, tailored digital solution that meets their specific requirements. The organization in this case study had a requirement to harmonize prescription processing for clinical homecare patients. Their existing paper-based workflows often led to unnecessary delays in patients getting the right care and medical treatment. 

Additionally, the challenges they were having in managing physical documents had been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. This was due to staff having to work from home. For example, there had been some high profile cases of prescriptions going ‘missing’, which was a serious problem across the healthcare sector. The healthcare industry recognized the need to implement a digital approach to prescription processing, which is where eSign has been able to help. 

Results achieved with eSign

The healthcare organization in this case study has achieved many impressive results since working with eSign including:

  • 80% reduction in prescription processing time (from 2 days to 2 hours)
  • 9,172kg CO2 equivalent reduction over 12 months (including paper and envelopes)
  • £95,324.44 in annual savings from kWh reduction (based on mailing)
  • Qualitative data – staff have reported an improved audit log and reduction in delays due to multiple staff being assigned to prescriptions in case of absence


Why healthcare organizations choose eSign

Healthcare organizations choose eSign because we are an industry-leading provider of highly secure and user friendly digital document solutions. Our flexible and proactive approach ensures we fully understand the requirements and challenges of each organization we work with. Providing a bespoke solution that perfectly meets their needs. 

As well as electronic signatures, we offer several useful products and services that are beneficial to the healthcare sector including our eConsent feature. eConsent provides organizations with a secure and legally valid way to obtain patient consent whilst saving valuable time for consultants and significantly enhancing the patient experience. 

Our web forms are also a highly beneficial feature for healthcare as it allows organizations to embed their web form link on their website or app, or send it via email for patients to complete for fast and efficient information collection. In addition, eSign can be integrated with various existing applications to ensure a seamless implementation into your current workflows.



Overall, electronic signatures are a highly beneficial solution for healthcare organizations in various ways. Including the enhanced efficiency of workflows, reducing costs and time spent on admin, providing a better patient experience, and offering full regulatory compliance. eSign has many years experience working with the healthcare sector, and is best placed to provide tailored digital solutions that resolve the specific industry challenges these organizations face. 

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out more about how eSign can support your digital transformation to optimize your document processes. You can also get started with us by registering for our 14-day free trial. This will give you access to some of the core features and functionality of the platform. Allowing you to get a first hand look at how eSign can work for your organization.

Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

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Secure Trusted Commerce
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Viking Cloud Logo
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