Security of E-Sign's Electronic Signature

E-Sign places the highest priority on ensuring your experience is safe and secure. We strive to provide the necessary information for you to feel confident conducting online transactions.

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Resources for Security around eSignatures

E-Sign Information Security & Data Protection

In an increasingly interconnected environment, information faces a broader range of risks. With the prevalence of threats like computer viruses, Trojan horses, Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks, and phishing, implementing, maintaining, and updating information security becomes more challenging. At E-Sign we have robust policies and procedures in place to safeguard our information infrastructure. We hold ISO 27001 accreditation and are fully compliant with the latest eSignature and electronic transaction regulations.

eSign Infrastructure

At eSign, security and privacy are fundamental. Our state-of-the-art servers, ISO 27001-certified data centers, are fortified with commercial-grade firewalls, border routers, and network management systems.

We implement 24-hour on-site security and strict physical access controls, complying with industry-recognized standards for data protection against loss, damage, and cyber threats.

eSign Infrastructure

Operations and Networks

Our IT security team monitors the E-Sign network, providing assurances for all staff to focus their efforts on other objectives. We have implemented the latest security tools throughout our systems, which focus on any particularly high-value or high-risk integrations and touchpoints. 

  • Logical access management system. 
  • Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation.
  • Our systems operate under a continual program of review and response to alerts to ensure they are secure and safe from potential threats. 
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems. 
  • Anti-malware software integration that automatically alerts E-Sign’s cyber incident response team if potentially harmful code is detected. 
  • Annual Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery (DR) testing in place. 
eSign Operations and Networks Diagram

Access Control and Compliance

Our access control and compliance policy ensures your data is never compromised. At E-Sign, we leave nothing to chance; we’re constantly testing and improving our security system for the ultimate protection.  

  • Vulnerability testing by third parties. 
  • SSL encryption, meaning your data is protected and safe from hackers.
  • Malware protection.
  • Digital audit trail and Certificate of Completion.
  • Annual UK Government approved Third-party penetration testing.
  • Code reviews.
eSign Access Control and Compliance

Encryption and Validation

Subscriber data is encrypted according to industry best-practice standards, and data transfer to/from E-Sign occurs via HTTPS with server-side encryption (SSE).

Our interactions within the E-Sign platform and website are 100% secure via 256-bit encryption, ensuring signature verification of signing events, unalterable systematic capture of signing data, and utilization of digital certificate technology.

eSign Encryption Validation

eSign’s Assurance

  • Confidentiality: Security is at the heart of E-Sign’s security policy. We prioritize data encryption, guaranteeing the safety of your data.
  • Integrity: Our security capabilities protect the integrity of your digital services. Rest assured that our E-Sign solutions will strengthen your cybersecurity, never compromise it.
  • Availability: Our stringent security measures ensure your data is protected from cybercriminals, and always available and accessible when you need it.
  • Authentication: Two-factor authentication and ID verification confirm the identity of users and document signers before accessing sensitive data.
  • Read our disaster recovery statement
eSign Assurances

E-Sign Incident Response

E-Sign values trust, and reputation and we treat all security incidents seriously.

Customer reporting of security threats is essential, contributing to the continuous improvement of our security protection against cybercrime.

Learn more
Incident Response

E-Sign Third Party Risk Evaluation

Managing third-party vendor risk is a top priority for many businesses. E-Sign recognizes this and considers classification and compliance essential elements in third-party risk evaluation.

Learn more
Third Party Risk Evaluation

E-Sign Product Security

Legal and regulatory requirements regarding security differ from industry to industry. With this in mind, security is paramount in the research, design, and development of all our products.

E-Sign products are constructed with configurable security, meeting industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Learn more
Product Security

IS027001 Certified

ISO 27001 certification, obtained by E-Sign in 2014 and re-certified annually, underscores our commitment to implementing an information security management system (ISMS).

The ISMS undergoes annual audits by an external accredited certification body.

Read more
eSign ISO 27001 Certified

We take security and data protection legislation extremely seriously

Disaster Recovery Statement

Our robust combination of policies, processes, and independent evaluation ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

E-Sign holds relevant accreditations, including IEC 27001 Information Security Management, ISO 9001 Quality Management, and PCI DSS Data Security Compliance.

Learn more
Disaster Recovery Statement eSign

Benefits of Using E-Sign

Increased Security
Selectable Password Strength

Customize passwords for enhanced security.

Two Factor Authentication
2FA for Password Resets

Two-factor authentication ensures legitimate password resets.

ID Checker Services
Additional ID Verification

Integrate E-Sign’s ID Checker for signer identity confirmation.

Increased Efficiency
Password and SMS Protected Documents

Enable SMS authentication and password protection for document access.

Digital Signature Certificate
Single Sign-on

Implement secure access control across corporate apps with Single Sign-On (SSO).

Advanced Audit Tracking
Digital Certificate & Advanced Audit Trail

Support documents with a digital certificate and advanced audit trail for comprehensive transaction records.

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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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