Sign Word Documents Online

Digitally sign your Word documents anytime, using our secure e-signature platform accessible from any device. Enhance efficiency, simplify processes, and cut down on expenses.

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Esign Word Documents

Sign and Send Word Documents Securely

More than 85% of agreements are signed within a day, and 48% in under 15 minutes when using our secure e-signature platform. E-Sign is a leading, trusted provider of electronic signature solutions, offering cost-effective electronic signatures for Word documents.

What are Electronic Signatures?

E-Sign’s electronic signatures are 100% legally binding, signifying the signer’s intent to agree to the content of a document or a set of data associated with the signature.

Our sophisticated signature capture technology ensures that all our digital signatures are 100% verifiable and supported by a digital certificate. We provide a comprehensive audit trail, encompassing key identifiers. E-Sign’s platform is secured through 256-bit SSL encryption, and your data can be held in a data center location of your choosing.


How to eSign a Word Document

Upload your Word Document and Input Signer Details

Submit your Word document to the platform and input the necessary details of the signer. For documents requiring more than two signers, opt for ‘add another signer.’

If a specific signing order is needed for the Word document, our ‘use sequential signing’ feature is available. The sequence of names entered into each numbered box dictates the document flow to your recipients for signing.

add signers details esignature

Attach Supporting Documents and Place your E-Signature

Our platform allows you to attach supporting documents to your Word file, visible in the notification email. Describe the requirements and documents in the description section.

Following these steps, you can now preview your Microsoft Word document in the platform and drag-and-drop signature placement fields onto your document. These fields can be adjusted as needed, and you can also include your own e-signature.

view document add esignature

Review and Send your Word Document

Review the Word document and its recipients, then click ‘confirm and send’ to proceed. If an e-signature on the Word document is required, choose ‘sign document’ and input your name into the signature box.

Once you’ve sent your document to your recipient, they will receive an email directly to their inbox. There, they can open and electronically sign your Word document without needing an E-Sign account.

review send document

Technical Checklist

  •  All signed documents are supported by a digital signature certificate.
  •  Scan a unique QR Code for automatic access to the signature verification page.
  •  Ensure high standards of security and compliance with a full audit trail.
  •  Real world identification can be validated and embedded into your signatures for increased security.
  •  A unique digital fingerprint is generated with each new signature.
  •  For additional security and verification, IP addresses are recorded.
  •  Ensure real time ID verification with E-Sign iD Checker.

Benefits of E-Signatures for Word Documents

Faster Document Turnaround
Faster Document Completion Turnaround

Enhance customer experience with a faster document completion time.

Increased Security
Increased Security and Advanced Audit Trail Tracking

Track and record your document transaction at every stage, with an easily retrievable, advanced audit trail for every signed document.

Reduce Costs with eSignatures
Cut Down on Costs

Cut down on business costs related to manual paper processes while increasing productivity.

Environmentally Sustainable
Go Paperless

Eliminate paper waste and become more environmentally sustainable.

Improve Collaboration
Send a Document to Multiple Signers

Send the same document to multiple signers with just a click of a button, saving time and resources.

API One Click Send
Integrate an API

Integrate an API with E-Sign’s platform to create customized workflows and boost productivity.

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Experience our top electronic signature service today!
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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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