Digital Transformation

A crucial component of digital transformation, eSignatures enable businesses to reduce paper-based processes, streamline business processes and enhance overall efficiency.

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Digital Transformation with Esign

Identifying the Right Solution for Your Business

Embarking on a digital transformation journey begins with understanding what your business needs and aligning them with your goals. Once you discover the technology that is available to support you, then you can make a start of finding the right solution for your business.

Key component in digital transformation

How eSignatures Facilitate Digital Transformation

If your business involves handling paperwork, whether in small or large volumes, adopting an eSignature solution becomes a strategic move. eSignatures play a pivotal role in digital transformation, promising heightened efficiency, productivity, and value to a business.

eSignatures eliminate the dependence on physical paperwork and manual signatures, enabling secure electronic document signing. This not only promotes remote work and collaboration but also enhances both customer and employee experiences, reduces costs tied to manual paperwork, and contributes to sustainable future.

Document being Stored Securely Online

Many businesses now using multiple applications

Integration with Existing Applications and Processes

Recognizing the multifaceted nature of modern business applications, eSign can seamlessly integrate into your existing systems. This integration allows for the complete automation of workflows, leading to significant time and cost savings.

Through our API, you can create a customized digital ecosystem that aligns with your digital transformation goals. Detailed information in our Developer Hub equips you with the knowledge and tools to tailor our software to suit your unique workflow.

What Documents can you eSign

Fully secure and compliant to multiple standards

How Secure are eSignatures?

Our electronic signatures adhere to the highest standards of security and compliance. Embracing a range of stringent security protocols and holding certifications from ISO and government bodies, we ensure the perpetual safety of your data.

Our advanced eSignature capture technology guarantees 100% verifiability, backed by a unique digital certificate. A comprehensive audit trail, enriched with key identifiers, reinforces the security of eSign’s platform through robust 256 SSL encryption.

Secure eSigning Process

Technical Checklist

  •  Signers receive a one-time passcode via text message (SMS) that must be entered before opening the documents
  •  All signed documents are supported by a digital signature certificate
  •  Scan a unique QR code for automatic access to the signature verification page
  •  Ensure high standards of security and compliance with a full audit trail
  •  A unique digital fingerprint is generated with each new signature
  •  For additional security and verification, IP addresses are recorded
  •  Ensure real-time ID verification with eSign iD Checker

Benefits of eSignatures for Digital Transformation

Enhance customer experience

Digitally transforming your processes can make your workflow more efficient and organized, allowing you to create an impressive customer experience.

Access data-driven insights

Enable your business to harness real-time data and analytics, particularly valuable for strategic decision-making based on tracked metrics.

Realize cost savings

eSignatures can be a cost-effective solution by reducing error rates, introducing automation, cutting paper-related expenses, and enhancing overall agility.

Enable automation with our API

Free up valuable time for your employees by eliminating repetitive tasks, allowing them to maximize productivity during working hours.

User-friendly platform

Our platform boasts an intuitive and user-friendly design, ensuring ease of use for both your employees and clients.

Facilitate remote collaboration

Electronic signatures empower remote teams to collaborate seamlessly, eliminating the need for physical presence.

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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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