eSignatures for Marketing

Electronic signatures can benefit marketing departments in various ways including the signing of content approvals, sending campaign proposal documents, and onboarding new employees.

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eSign Marketing Use Case

Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo
Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo

Gain a Competitive Advantage with Electronic Signatures

Marketing teams can harness the power of digital signatures to optimize and expedite various processes involving legal or contractual documentation. E-signatures provide a secure and efficient means of obtaining signatures on documents without the hassle of physical copies, printing, mailing, or scanning. By transitioning your document workflows online, collaboration becomes more efficient, enabling you to finalize important transactions with just a few clicks.
1.1 million
documents processed per month
20,000 per month
envelopes sent per month per month
1.1 million
documents processed per month
20,000 per month
envelopes sent per month per month

Work smarter with eSign.

Accelerated Time and Cost Savings

By reducing the time spent on manual administrative tasks, your team can focus their valuable time on more critical activities such as developing impactful marketing campaigns or analyzing past campaign data.

Save on expenses related to printing, faxing, scanning, and mailing with electronic signatures. By keeping your documents digital, you can remove unnecessary expenses, allowing more funds to be allocated towards creating and executing successful marketing campaigns.

Marketing Team Saving Costs

Work better and more efficiently.

Seamless Integration for Automated Workflows

We recognize that your marketing team likely utilizes multiple applications to enhance productivity and efficiency. That’s why we’ve ensured that our digital signature platform seamlessly integrates with a variety of platforms.

Whether you use Microsoft Office, Google, HubSpot, Salesforce, Dropbox, or Slack, our platform can be easily integrated into your existing applications to enhance employee and customer experiences, optimizing both time and cost efficiencies.

Marketing eSign Solutions

100% legally binding.

eSign is 100% secure and legally binding

Our electronic signatures are 100% secure and legally binding, signifying the signer’s intent to agree to the contents of a document or dataset to which the signature pertains. Our electronic signatures adhere to rigorous security standards and are compliant with multiple regulations. We employ various high-security protocols and maintain ISO and government certifications to ensure the safety of your data.

Our advanced signature capture technology ensures that all digital signatures are fully verifiable and supported by a unique digital certificate. We provide comprehensive audit trails with key identifiers, and our platform is secured with 256 SSL encryption.

Legally Binding Marketing

Enhance customer satisfaction and increasing your brand reputation.

Esign Competitor Cost Analysis

This study was carried out by the customer halfway through an agreement, as their current eSignature provider increased the costs significantly and they wanted to explore alternative providers.

It demonstrates that eSign is by far the most cost-effective digital signature provider, even after paying a “buy out” fee to the current provider.

View Full Findings
Cost Analysis Case Study


Mid Devon Testimonial logo

Mid Devon District Council

“Using eSign has made our tenancy completion processes so simple. You don’t have to be technically savvy to be able to use the platform and it doesn’t draw on any other ICT resources. Our tenancy agreements and documents are signed within minutes and we’ve even had tenants’ comment on how easy it is to use as a signer which is fantastic.”

Lisa Harber | Team Leader 
Thula Testimonial logo


“We are very proud and thrilled to be working with the eSign team, creating a truly digital and revolutionising management tool for controlled drugs in a post-pandemic world. The benefits to the clinical and pharmacy teams are huge and drives greater legislative and regulatory confidence and safer and efficient patient care.”

Adele McAllister | Manager
Oxofrd University Testimonial logo

University of Oxford

“The University of Oxford have appointed eSign UK Ltd. as their preferred electronic signature platform. Esign quickly guided departments on the most cost-effective and efficient route offered, providing continued support to ensure contracts were completed and deadlines met.”

Purchasing Department | End User
Paratus Law Testimonial logo

Paratus Law

“The law supports the use of electronic signatures, and eSign is an essential tool for any business wishing to enhance customer experience and accelerate revenue. ESign is incredibly user-friendly, and using it has been a very positive experience both for me and for my clients.”

Simon Arthur | Owner
Beyondly Testimonial logo


“Esign has transformed our operations at Beyondly. Integrating eSign into our systems was relatively straight forward and has massively improved customer and team experience. As a Bcorp organisation we place high value on our environmental impact and since inception, eSign has represented a 31.46kg saving of CO2 entering the atmosphere.”

Emily Rice | Operations Manager
National Clinical Homecare Association

National Clinical Homecare Association

“The tools are very easy to set up and intuitive to use. When we encountered issues, the eSign team was agile enough to respond, usually on the same day. The copy template feature has made setup with new customers much easier.”

National Clinical Homecare Provider | End User
Slaters Heelis Solicitors logo

Slater Heelis Solicitors

“Esign is an invaluable tool that assists us in keeping track of our legal matters. It gives us full control of the document journey and has greatly improved signature capture and document turnaround times.”

Slater Heelis Solicitors | End User
Morgan Ash Testimonial logo

Morgan Ash

“Working in the regulated financial and medical markets we need a quick secure and economical signature process. Esign gives us all of these.”

Andrew Gething | Managing Director
Blue i Testimonial logo

Blue I Properties

“Can’t recommend eSign enough. It is quicker, easier and cheaper to use than many of their competitors.  The detailed Document History provides useful evidence and proof of when your document was created and signed.  Their team members are extremely knowledgeable of the systems, friendly and professional.  All in all, an amazing product at a very competitive price.”

Debbie Collins | Lettings Administrator
Government Property Testimonial

Government Property Agency

“One thing which sets eSign apart is their flexible signature packages, allowing flexibility in both pricing and usage to provide the best solution for the organisation. The GPA has been very well looked after by our eSign account manager and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them.”

Government Property Agency | End User
10-100 Devon Testimonial logo


“The solution was simple to use, has a great management portal, and the price met our expectations. We now use the product for our own internal use and have recommended and deployed it into our customers when we get requests for signature solutions. Esign’s ongoing support is excellent, and they are continuously improving and developing their solution.”

Paul Visagie | IT Consultant
Cambridgeshire County Council Logo

Cambridgeshire County Council

“Esign has brought both time and efficiency benefits to our department since we started using the platform two years ago. It is easy to use and they have useful training videos available which have been helpful for training our team on how to use the platform and its features.”

Wendy Ballard | End User
Churchill Support Services eSign Testimonial

“Using eSign has significantly increased the time it takes to send and receive contracts which means we close deals quicker. I especially like how you can redirect and edit documents without creating new envelopes and that I can keep track of which contracts are still pending signature as an admin. As an environmentally friendly business, it’s also helpful to see how much carbon we are saving with the carbon counter. I would definitely recommend eSign to a business who is looking to close deals faster.”

Katie Butcher | Client Relationship Manager



Templates are an ideal way to save valuable time and resources for businesses by streamlining document workflow. Increase productivity and improve efficiency by implementing eSignatures into your template documents.

View eSign Templates

Benefits of eSignatures for Marketing Teams

Faster Document Turnaround
Time and cost savings

Electronic signatures remove the need for printing, mailing, and manual processes, minimizing the costs associated with paper-based workflows.

User Friendly Platform
Increased efficiency

Marketing documents can be signed and completed more efficiently, leading to quicker project and campaign turnaround times.

Increased Security
Improved security and compliance:

Our platform offers 256 SSL encryption and robust authentication features, maintaining the security and legality of your signatures.

Service Level Agreement
Remote collaboration:

Digital signatures allow remote marketing teams to communicate and work together easily, eliminating the need for physical presence.

Advanced Audit Tracking
Auditing and tracking

Our platform provides advanced audit trails and tracking capabilities, which are valuable for record-keeping and compliance purposes.

Improve Collaboration
User-friendly platform

Our platform is intuitive and user-friendly, facilitating easy usage for both marketing professionals and signatories.

Technical Checklist

  •  Signers receive a one-time passcode via SMS that must be entered before opening the documents
  •  All signed documents are supported by a digital signature certificate
  •  Scan a unique QR code for automatic accesses to the signature verification page
  •  Ensure high standards of security and compliance with a full audit trail
  •  A unique digital fingerprint is generated with each new signature
  •  For additional security and verification, IP addresses are recorded
  •  Ensure real time ID verification with eSign iD Checker

Our Services

Electronic Signature Services
Electronic Signatures

Digitize your document signing process with our secure and compliant eSignature solutions and enjoy increased productivity, streamlined administration, and substantial cost savings.

Web Form Services
Web Forms

Allow customers to fill out and electronically sign documents on your website, app, or via email, collecting all the information you need in an easy-to-sign format.

ID Checker Services
ID Checker

With our embedded iD Checker, you can verify the identity of your eSigners to minimise the risk of fraud and ensure your transactions are secure.

Personalized Email Services
Personalized Emails

Ensure strong, uniformed branding across all your communications and send documents for eSignature in a personalized email.

Verification Tools
Verification Tools

Use eSign’s verification tools, anytime, anywhere to ensure your transactions are secure and fully verified.

API Developer Portal
API & Developer Hub

Integrate eSign’s API eSignature software into your website today for a smoother digital experience for you and your customers.


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Try the E-Sign service free today, no credit card required.
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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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