The Top Workflow Automation Softwares for 2024

Posted 15th May 2024

Repetitive and mundane workplace tasks are a significant drain on time, resources, and productivity. They pose a barrier to employees who cannot collaborate as effectively or focus on higher priority tasks. With workflow automation software though, you can streamline your lower priority tasks, and free up valuable time in your processes. Allowing you to focus on more important responsibilities that will allow your organization to operate more efficiently and grow. 

With workflow automation software, you can streamline your lower priority tasks, and free up valuable time in your day-to-day processes, allowing you to focus on more important responsibilities that will help your organization to operate more efficiently and grow. 

When considering automation software for your business, you want to ensure that you find the best systems to suit your needs. Which is why we have created this guide covering the top softwares available. As well as why workflow automation is important and the key ways in which it can support your employees.


What is workflow automation software?

Workflow automation software is designed to simplify business processes by reducing the need for manual effort. This is achieved using predefined sequences, rules, and actions to increase efficiency and collaboration within your workplace. Automating mundane and time-consuming tasks allows your team to work on more creative and strategic activities that benefit your business. In addition, with the help of centralized communication channels and shared workflows, collaboration becomes much simpler. As a result, there is less risk of errors as information can be exchanged more accurately and decisions made faster.


What are the benefits of workflow automation software?

There are several useful benefits to implementing workflow automation software into your organization including:

  • Streamline administrative tasks – administration is important for keeping a business operational but it takes up a lot of time. Automation enhances collaboration between your software and applications, helping you to create better organized workflows. With automation and cleaner elements employees can use their time more effectively and take greater control over their workload. 
  • Less mistakes are made – with less manual intervention in your processes thanks to automation software there is inherently less risk of human errors being made. Also, it can reduce stress and pressure for employees allowing them to complete tasks with more consistency and accuracy.
  • Increased productivity – through better use of resources, a reduction in mistakes, improved communication, and streamlined processes, the overall productivity within your organization will increase.
  • Minimize unnecessary paperwork – managing physical paperwork and dealing with outdated technologies like printers and scanners is frustrating for employees. By going fully digital with automation software as part of your ecosystem you can remove paper and associated products from your workflow and operate more efficiently.
  • Make important decisions faster – with shared communication channels that allow smooth information exchanges, businesses can make important decisions not only quicker, but also with more accuracy based on all relevant data provided by employees.


The top 7 workflow automation softwares

There are a wide range of impressive automation software solutions available in today’s digitally focused world. We’ve chosen the top 7 softwares we think are some of the best options for organizations wanting to streamline their processes and optimize their workflow.



esign for esignatures

eSign is an electronic signature and digital document solution that allows businesses to streamline their processes, securely sign important documents, and improve the customer journey. The platform is user-friendly with many impressive features that simplify the entire document journey, from creation to sending, signing, and storing. It can all be done within minutes, saving your organization a substantial amount of time and money, by removing outdated paper methods of document sharing.

eSign can be seamlessly integrated with other applications. Meaning you can easily add e-signatures to documents without having to adapt your existing workflow structure. The platform is fully secure with all eSignatures being legally binding, and having a detailed audit trail to verify the identity of the signer and authenticity of the document. 

It makes collaboration and communication with both internal teams and external stakeholders much more efficient. eSign offers a 14-day free trial so businesses can try the software and see how it can benefit their specific processes. Before selecting a cost effective pricing plan tailored to their requirements.


Jira software

Jira is a task and issue management platform that has many useful features to help teams manage their workload. Some examples of the features in Jira include customizable workflows, task tracking templates, information sync, drag and drop automation builder, project and advanced roadmaps, admin insights, reporting, and more. 

It is widely considered to be a leading project management tool with the ability to automate any task or process in just a few quick clicks. The system has hundreds of automation software templates available to help your team work more efficiently. Also, the global automation feature allows you to create one rule that automates across all projects, making it quick and easy to implement automation throughout your workflow.



confluence software

Confluence is a system that allows teams to work together seamlessly on documents and content. It is designed for collaboration with a user-friendly interface, detailed text editing, and commenting features. By using Confluence, teams can easily work together on the same documents, enhancing both communication and productivity in your organization. Completing tasks creatively across various teams and knowledge sharing has never been easier with Confluence.



zapier software

Zapier is a dynamic and user-friendly platform that can be easily integrated with other software applications to create an effective automated workflow. The system doesn’t require any technical knowledge in order to use it, your automated workflows or “zaps” are quick and easy to generate. Through its ability to simply connect with different apps and automate mundane tasks, it is a great option for organizations across various industries to optimize their processes and boost productivity.



integrify software

Integrify is a workflow management and automation software that allows businesses to automate key elements of their processes without requiring any code. This platform can benefit organizations of any size, with quick implementation and offering the ability to scale sustainably. Its features are particularly suited to providing better visibility of workflow processes in business areas like HR, IT, sales, finance, and operations. 

Another stand out feature of Integrify is the audit trails, which make it much easier for teams to review activity in their workflow and analyze any problems that arise. Also, it can be smoothly connected to various systems thanks to an Open API, ensuring you can freely move data between systems as part of your workflow without delays or having to switch between different applications.



kissflow software

One of the best workflow automation softwares for reporting and analytics is Kissflow. As it enables users to gain invaluable insights and accurately track performance in their workflow. The system has customizable dashboards that help to monitor important metrics as well as keep up to date with project statuses. Its built-in reports provide detailed summaries of workflows, processes, and tasks. Through its impressive bespoke analytics capabilities, Kissflow delivers tailored reports and metrics that perfectly align with the needs and goals of your business.


Pneumatic Workflow

pneumatic app

Pneumatic is a great platform for businesses to build and automate workflows for various processes. These workflows can also be organized into templates for quick and easy re-use in the future. Users have the ability to establish predefined variables such as names, assignees, and required policies to apply to relevant workflows. You also have the option to receive weekly process summaries and customized reports to gain real-time insights into your workflow performance.

Another useful feature of Pneumatic is you can invite external guests to your workflow by email. Improving efficiency when you need to work with other teams or people outside of your company. There is no security risk to this feature either as admins can control role-based access permissions for staff members and teams. Ensuring only the relevant individuals can make changes to your workflow.


How to choose workflow automation software

We have explored some of the top examples of workflow automation software, but there are many options on the market and it can be challenging to find the right ones to suit your business needs.

Factors to consider when selecting automation software

When researching and choosing software to trial, you should consider the following:

  • The functionality you want it to have – you should keep in mind what the pain points are within your workflow and processes. This will help you establish what you want the software to do. In order to fill those gaps and meet your needs.
  • Does it need to work with other systems? – workflows often utilize more than one system for different aspects of your operations. You should determine what systems can be replaced by your new software and which ones will need to be integrated with it. It might be that you can replace most if not all of your current tools with one complete automation software.
  • Who will need to use it? – to make sure the solution you choose is as cost effective as possible and meets your requirements, you should consider who in your organization will need to use the system and how many licenses you will need. For example, does just one team need access or will the company as a whole? It’s important to evaluate this. 
  • What outcomes are important? – you should think about the results you want to gain from using the software for it to be considered a successful investment. Evaluate factors such as the capability you gain from it, the improvements you want to make, and how you will be measuring its success.
  • How is it going to work in your business? – consider how the software will fit into your organization alongside your other workflows and operations. Be sure to monitor both what is working well and any issues you have that need improvement. It’s important to remember that every business is different. So research softwares that are adaptable and can be tailored to the specific needs of your company.



eSign is one of the top workflow automation softwares on the market. With an established reputation of delivering impressive results and benefits for organizations. If you’re looking to digitize your processes and optimize your workflow, register for our 14-day free trial and see how eSign can help you effectively achieve those objectives. Also, if you have any specific questions or queries, our friendly team of specialists are on hand to support you and ensure that your business requirements are met with a bespoke eSign solution. Contact us today to discuss further.

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