E-Sign Expands into Global Market

Posted 12th March 2024

At E-Sign, we’re passionate about making our innovative eSignature and digital document solutions accessible to as many organizations as possible, streamlining their processes and improving efficiency.

This goal has been at the core of the business since it began in 2012. It is this dedication and hard work that has allowed us to grow and expand into new markets both within the UK and into other jurisdictions around the world. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at our exciting recent developments. 

esign expands into global market

Launched Global Website

The first step in ensuring we could compete in the global market was to launch a brand-new global website. Launching www.esigndigital.com has enabled us to expand our service offering and tailor our approach to meet the requirements of our clients located around the world. 

To visit our UK website, please visit www.esign.co.uk. 

Opened Two New Offices Outside the UK 

We’re excited to say that we have recently opened two new E-Sign offices, located in Dublin and New York. By opening offices in these locations, we aim to establish a personal presence in both the US and EU and develop stronger relationships with international businesses

We’ll be a point of contact for organizations, offering bespoke digital solutions that support their operational and compliance requirements. Furthermore, with plans ongoing for the development of our service offering, features, and integrations, we continue striving for E-Sign to be the go-to eSignature provider for businesses across the world.  

Liverpool Office Move

2023 was a big year for E-Sign, with the Sales and Development teams doubling to meet growing demand. We also released new integrations and features which have enabled us to expand into different markets and provide bespoke solutions to organizations and governments.

In March of this year, we moved into a 3,500 sq.ft. ground floor suite in No.8 Princes Dock, based at the Liverpool Waters. 2024 looks set to be another exciting period of growth for us, so we will be looking to expand our team further this year at Princes Dock. 


Providing Qualified Signatures

One of our key objectives for 2024 is to offer qualified signatures. Currently we offer advanced signatures which ensure a secure way of digitally signing documents and verifying the identity of the signer. Advanced signatures are specifically linked to each individual signer, being assigned a unique digital signature certificate and are recognized as just as legally binding and valid as a handwritten signature. 

Qualified signatures share similarities with advanced signatures but have to meet additional requirements for security and identity verification. Typically, the process involves multiple steps, using encrypted keys and two-factor authentication. 

We are currently working to ensure our technology meets the relevant regulations to provide qualified signatures to our clients. Once this has been achieved, we will be able to expand our services further and support even more industries with our effective digital solutions. 


An Exciting Year for E-Sign

There are a lot of positive developments happening at E-Sign and the year is just getting started. We can’t wait to see what the rest of 2024 brings and other growth plans coming to life in the future. 

Contact us today to learn more about our digital solutions and see how they can help transform your business. 


Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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