How to Create and Personalize your eSignature

Learn how to create your unique signature online and form your personal digital eSignature.

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A Step by Step Guide - Create and Personalize an eSignature

Through a seamless process, you'll be able to recreate the details that make your signature distinctively yours. Once finalized, this digital rendition of your signature instantly transforms into a ready made electronic signature, that can be affixed to important documents in a secure and legally recognised manner.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Watch our video tutorial to learn how to create and personalize your eSignature within the E-Sign dashboard.

watch esign video tutorial

Step 1

From your E-Sign dashboard, click ‘My Signature’ in the left hand column.

Step 1 Click My Signature

Step 2

Here you will be shown three ways that you can create your signature.

step 2 upload image

Step 3

Option 1 – Type your signature in the box shown.


Step 4

Option 2 – Draw your signature either by using your mouse, or a touch screen device.


Step 5

Option 3 – Upload your signature in the box shown. You can upload your signature as either a JPEG or PNG file.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I draw a signature online using my mobile phone?

Yes. The E-Sign Electronic Signature platform is optimized for most mobile browsers.

Would it matter if the eSignature I drew looked the same as somebody else's?

No. We recognize that our users like to add the ‘traditional’ hand signature. This is purely aesthetic, as behind this is E-Sign’s advanced electronic signature. E-Sign captures key identifiers to digitally record the identity of a signer, in a unique manner, and embed this onto the document. It is this e-signature capture that is legally binding and admissible.

Can my clients draw a signature online when electronically signing the documents?

Yes. If they are new to E-Sign, they will be invited to add their own personal e-signature. If they are a registered user, we can add this from our database.

Are eSignatures Legally Binding?

Electronic signatures are just as legal as hand signatures along with the security and benefits of technology and audit tracking.

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