How to Send Multiple Documents

Manage and send multiple documents for signing within a single, organized workflow using eSign.

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A Step by Step Guide - Send Multiple Documents with E-Sign

Send out several documents as one complete pack for signing, allowing all signers to edit and sign all of them at the same time, which streamlines document turnaround.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Watch our video tutorial to see how to send multiple documents in an envelope, or create a saved document pack template.

how to enable SMS pin protection

Step 1

Click ‘Get Started’ or drag a document in your E-Sign dashboard to begin the process.

step 1 get started

Step 2

Click ‘Add document’ to upload your first document to the envelope from a choice of six upload options.

step 2 add document

Step 3

Click ‘Add another document’ to upload the next document. You can add up to ten documents in a pack. You can also choose to forward a signed copy of any of the documents to a recipient of your choice.

step 3 first document uploaded

Step 4

Here you can add extra options such as SMS pin verification and ‘Send reminders’.

step 4 add name and email

Step 5

Once complete, you can then add the supporting literature, email subject and description. This information will be shown to the recipient when they receive the email.

step 5 add contents

Step 6

Now you will be presented with your documents, which you can select from a tab at the top of the dashboard. Here you can populate the editable fields, including the signature placement for each document.

step 6 editable fields

Step 7

When the document pack is complete and ready for sending, select ‘Confirm and Send’.

step 7 document pack

Step 8 - Create Template Document Pack

Follow steps 1 to 6 as above to create your document pack with all the editable fields and signature placements in their required positions. When satisfied with your document pack, select the ‘Save as Template’ option in the bottom left of the dashboard.

step 8 create document packs

Frequently Asked Questions

How many documents can I upload and send within a document pack?

You can send up to 10 documents in one document pack and 4 attachments.

Will my clients be guided through the document pack to ensure they complete all necessary fields and sign in the correct places?

Yes, we take care of signature capture for you, and guide your signers through the simple process.

Can my document pack be signed by more than one person?

Yes up to 13 signers can sign any one document.

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For any support or further help please contact us and one of our expert team will be happy to help.
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