How to Add Multiple Team Members to your Account

Add multiple users to your E-Sign account so that anyone in your team can send documents for e-signature.

Resources for Help Center and How to Guides

Step by Step Guide - Adding Multiple Team Members to your Account

Giving team members the authority to send documents for eSignature enhances overall productivity. Time-sensitive documents can be dispatched without delay, even when the primary sender is occupied or unavailable. This flexibility ensures that critical agreements, contracts, or approvals are sent and received quickly and with more efficiency, contributing to smoother business operations.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Watch our video tutorial to learn how to add multiple users to your team.

watch esign video tutorial

Step 1

To add or delete users on your team, click on ‘Settings’ or click your avatar in the top right corner of the dashboard.

step 1 add or delete users

Step 2

From the ‘My E-Sign Account’ page click on ‘Manage Users’.

step 2 manage users

Step 3

Click ‘Add new team member’ to add a new member to your team.

step 3 add new team member

Step 4

Here you can enter the name and email address of your new user. They will then receive an email to accept the invitation.

step 4 enter name and email

Step 5

If you wish to delete a user from your team, simply click ‘Delete’ next to their name.

step 5 deleteting a user

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be sure I am signing the same document as the other party?

Everyone involved in the signing of an individual document will receive an email notification of whenever another party has signed. You can see who else is involved in the document signing process by clicking on the document. On the right hand side of the document is an audit column. Here you can see who else is involved in signing, who has signed the document so far, who is still to sign, and who has declined.

I have sent a document to myself, why am I not receiving it?

If you have sent a document from your own email address to your own email address, E-Sign recognizes this and places the document in your E-Sign inbox on the dashboard. Consequently, an email notification will not be sent. If you would like to test the E-Sign platform, then please use a different browser with a different email address.

How many users can I add to a team?

You can add as many members to your team as you require. You will just have to purchase a new license for each person. If you have an enterprise account, your solution will be based on how many users you require which will be a set number.

How do I add an esignature?

Please see E-Sign’s user guide for step by step guidance on adding an esignature.

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