How eSign Works

Discover why eSign is one of the leading and trusted electronic signature service providers.

A Guide to How eSign Works

eSign is Used in all Industries

Businesses are benefitting from significant financial savings, achieved through adopting eSignature processes. An electronic signature is a legally binding digital indication of a person’s intent to agree to the contents of a document or a set of data to which the signature relates. eSign’s high security standards ensure that all digital signatures are verifiable and tamper resistant.

1. Create an E-Sign Account

eSign Registration is FREE & SIMPLE to do.

Take advantage of our 14 day free trial to learn more about the features and functions of eSign’s electronic signature technology.

Step 1 Create an eSsign Account

2. Manage Your Account

You can manage your eSign account from your main dashboard when you log in. From here you have control of the following:

  • Payment and Billing options;
  • The team members who have access to your eSign account;
  • Adding your company logo to your outbound eSign emails, plus much more.
Step 2 Manage your Account

3. Navigate the E-Sign Dashboard

The eSign dashboard is the hub of your electronic signature and secure document transaction platform.

Here you can manage your signed, pending, uploaded and template business documents.

Step 3 Navigate eSign Dashboard

4. Sign Your Document

You now have three ways of getting your business documents signed:

  • eSign the document yourself
  • Send it to others to eSign or
  • Both sender and recipient can eSign it.

For a tutorial on each of these workflows refer to our user guide

*Up to 13 people can eSign one document at the cost of one transaction.
For more information on pricing plans see our pricing page

Step 4 Sign Your Document

5. Create and Send Multiple Documents in One Envelope for Signatures

Create document packs within eSign to send to your clients in a secure and efficient process, capturing their signature online and reducing the turnaround time of documents.

For a full tutorial on sending multiple business documents in envelope click here

*You can send up to 10 signable digital documents in one envelope, plus 5 attachments at the cost of one transaction.
For more information on pricing plans see our pricing page

Step 5 Create and Send Multiple Documents

6. Create and Store Document Templates

Create document templates compatible with your business processes. Drag and drop the different text and signature fields onto the document where required, making it user friendly and signable for your clients. Store the document templates within your eSign dashboard to be used by all employees whenever they need, on any device, in any location.

For a full tutorial on creating document templates click here

*You can create unlimited document templates and store them within your eSign dashboard.

Step 6 Create and Store Document

7. Send Securely with eSign

Send the document directly from eSign to your clients to capture their online signature and complete the process in minutes.

Step 7 Send Securely eSign

Contact eSign

For any support or further help please contact us and one of our expert team will be happy to help.
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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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