How to Edit Pending Envelopes

eSign allows you to edit an envelope that has already been sent out for signature capture, but hasn’t yet been signed by the recipient(s).

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A Step by Step Guide - Edit Pending Envelopes

Review the status of any envelope within your dashboard, and perform multiple functions such as forwarding to a new recipient, swapping out documents in the envelope, and adding attachments or other documents for signing to the envelope.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Watch our tutorial video to discover how easy it is to edit envelopes after they have been sent, but not yet signed by your recipient.

how to enable SMS pin protection

Step 1

To view your pending envelopes, you can check the ‘envelope usage’ section to the right of your dashboard. Alternatively, you can see the status of your pending envelopes at the top of the screen or by clicking ‘folders’ in the column to the left.

step 1 view pending envelopes

Step 2

To edit pending envelopes, simply click on your envelope checkbox and select the edit button as shown in the image. You will then be able to make any required changes.

step 2 edit pending envelopes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I recall an envelope rather than edit the documents?

Yes. If instead of editing the documents you’d prefer to recall the envelope, you can do so when it is in the pending stage. Simply go to the envelope and you will see the option to recall in the right hand side of the dashboard.

Can I redirect the envelope to a different person?

Yes. If you need to redirect the envelope, you can do this when it is in the pending stage. Simply go to the envelope and you will see a redirect option in the right hand side of the dashboard, next to the signer’s details. Here you can enter the name and email address of the new recipient.

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