Frequently Asked Questions

Answers for all your questions about Electronic Signatures.

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E-Sign is faster, cheaper, and more secure than signing documents by hand. Deals can be closed immediately, with no reliance on post-delivery or signing and scanning paper documents. Sign your own document in minutes and send documents for others to sign instantly, reducing administration costs. Businesses can save up to £800/year on mailing costs, simplify administration with electronic signatures, and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint and stopping deforestation.

QR Code Signatures are 100% unique and cannot be forged or replicated. They embed additional information such as Company Name and Contact No. Use any QR Code scanner to identify the signatory.

Electronic signatures are as legal valid as handwritten signatures, offering the security and benefits of technology and audit tracking. Find more information on our Electronic Signature Legality Guide.

E-Sign provides a unique advanced electronic signature with ‘QR’ technology for signature validation and enhanced security. It offers true advanced e-Signatures, designed to be fast, user-friendly, and can be integrated with your existing workflow. Our easy-to-use dashboard keeps you updated on signed, pending, and sent documents, and a full audit trail monitors the progress from uploading to completion of the signature.

When a signature is submitted to a document, a Cover Page is generated containing the signature and signatory information. You can verify the signature by scanning or clicking the QR Code on the cover page. Check the URL, SSL security, and information in the signature verification box.

In the unlikely event of forgery, E-Sign provides straightforward identification. Follow the steps mentioned above to identify forged signatures, ensuring the website URL and SSL security match.

  • Use secure passwords with letters and numbers.
  • Access emails over a secure connection with SSL encryption.
  • Use unique passwords for different online accounts.
  • Don’t forward secure private links to anyone.

A QR Code stores information and can be scanned using a QR Code scanner. E-Sign’s QR Code Signatures provide a unique fingerprint for each electronic signature, making it easier to access digital information.

E-Sign recommends QR Code scanners for iPhone and Android, including QR Code Reader, QR Reader for iPhone, Scan, QR Bar Code Scanner, QR Android, and Scan.

If you send a document from your email to your own email, E-Sign recognizes it and places it in your E-Sign inbox. No email notification is sent in this case.

Sign up for a free trial of E-Sign by clicking here.

E-Sign can be accessed on laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

E-Sign supports Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

Check the status via the E-Sign dashboard and send reminders to recipients if needed.

Click here to explore the latest features.

Check your email address and password, and reset your password if necessary. Contact the E-Sign support team if login issues persist.

No, recipients do not need an account to receive a document. They can securely sign documents via a unique link received in an email.

Click on your avatar in the account settings to add team members.

E-Sign offers advanced electronic signatures with unique identifiers, real-world identification reports, and branded/whitelabel solutions. No other signature service provider offers real-world identification reports.

Yes, E-Sign offers branded and whitelabel solutions. Contact for more information.

Yes, E-Sign allows flexibility to add as many users as needed. Refer to the flexible price plan or contact E-Sign for further customization.

No, E-Sign instantly converts your document into a PDF when uploaded to your secure account.

E-Sign uses unique identifiers and allows you to request additional information from the signer to ensure signer integrity.

Upload a Word document into E-Sign, which automatically renders it as a PDF, ensuring document integrity.

Upload your PDF document to E-Sign to e-sign it yourself or send it to others for their electronic signatures.

A wet signature is a written mark made by a person using a handwriting tool, such as a pen, on a document.

Use E-Sign’s signature maker software to create your own online signature. Type, draw, or upload your signature for online contracts or business documents.

A wet signature is a written mark made by a person using a handwriting tool, such as a pen, on a document.

Use E-Sign’s signature maker software to create your own online signature. Type, draw, or upload your signature for online contracts or business documents.

E-Sign sends email notifications whenever another party signs, allowing you to track and verify the signatories involved.

Check the email address, ask the recipient to check the spam folder, and send a reminder if needed.

E-Sign captures data, including document access details, location, device used, and timestamps, ensuring signer integrity. Additional key identifiers like date of birth, address, and passport/driving license number can be collected for extra security.

Our servers operate on a secure global-based network infrastructure, ensuring the protection and confidentiality of your documents and uploads. However, we can store your data in an accredited data center of your chosen country. eSign is deployable in a jurisdiction of your choosing and can be placed within your own IT infrastructure.

At eSign, we prioritize the privacy and security of your data. Our storage infrastructure and access controls are designed to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your documents throughout the entire process.

By utilizing our secure cloud servers and implementing robust security measures, we aim to provide you with peace of mind regarding the storage and protection of your valuable data.

E-Sign’s servers operate on a secure global-based infrastructure, but your data can be stored in an accredited data center of your chosen country. Contact for further information.

To use SMS PIN protection, purchase credits and start sending documents securely.

Check email address is correct Ask recipient to check spam folder Send reminder

E-Sign captures data as standard practice for an advanced electronic signature service provider, ensuring the integrity of the signer. This includes:

The document has been accessed via the signatory’s email account The location where the document was accessed The device used to access the document The number of times the signer has viewed/accessed the document The time when the document has been accessed That the document has not been amended Additional key identifiers E-Sign can collect for additional assurance/security are the signatory’s

Date of birth Address Passport/driving license number

To use SMS PIN protection, you must purchase credits. These can be added to your account yourself or can be added from the admin for your team. Once you have credits, you can start sending documents with SMS PIN protection.

Learn about E-Sign’s pricing models by clicking here.

Contact the E-Sign support team at to close your account.

View available third-party integrations on our integrations page.

Access free API developer support documents by setting up an E-Sign account and requesting an API token from

Contact the E-Sign support team at for API support and discuss building a platform specific to your requirements.

Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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