User Friendly & Interactive Web Forms

Enable your customers to complete and electronically sign documents directly on your website, through your app, or via email. Gather all the information you need in a simple and signable format.

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eSign Web Form Display Features

Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo
Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo

eSign's Web Form Solution

Revolutionize data and signature collection with customizable, interactive, and secure web forms. These forms can be embedded on your website, integrated into your app, or sent through email.

Effortlessly design a web form using drag-and-drop fields, incorporate your company’s branding, and share it with your customers to start gathering essential information.

1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month
1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month

Forms must be easy to use

  • 81% of people have abandoned a form after starting to fill it out.
  • 29% of people abandon a form for security reasons.
  • 88% of people are unlikely to return after a poor form experience.

Customers likely won't complete a form that isn't user friendly. A bad form experience can waste time, incur costs, and drive customers away. Additionally, an insecure form can put your organization at risk.

Easy to Use eSign Web Forms

Case Studies

National Clinical Homecare Association Case Study
National Clinical Homecare Association

The healthcare industry clearly recognized the need to adopt a digital approach to prescription processing, giving operational advantages, regulatory compliance and improvements to patient safety.

Mid Devon Case Study
Mid Devon District Council

There has been significant time and cost savings on the sign-up process for new tenants as there is no longer a requirement for officers or tenants to travel to meet in a location to sign the agreement. 

Leicester Hospitals eSign Case Study
University Hospitals Leicester

The E-Sign implementation has achieved demonstrable improvements in service efficiency, supported cross-site working and reduced costs for the UHL Kidney Pharmacy home delivery services. 


Streamline collecting customer details.

Tailored and Interactive Web Forms

Looking for an easy way to gather customer information? Our intuitive web forms can be seamlessly embedded on your website, integrated into your app, or sent via email, making it convenient for your customers to provide the necessary details.

Incorporate interactive elements to streamline the data collection process. With drag-and-drop functionality, designing a personalized and interactive web form is straightforward and efficient.

Boost brand trust and recognition by adding your company’s branding to the web form, ensuring your customers feel secure when sharing their information.

Personalized Web Forms

Create web forms with eSign.

Highly Secure Digital Web Forms

Digitize your documents and create web forms with eSign capabilities. To maintain client information security and ensure GDPR compliance, our web forms can be transmitted via an encrypted link, safeguarding sensitive data from cyber attacks or breaches.

Available with our Enterprise plans, our web forms allow you to manage documents according to your specific processes. They are ideal for digitizing:

  • Contact forms
  • Registration forms
  • GDPR consent forms
  • NDAs

Additionally, our web forms can facilitate electronic witnessing, enabling documents to be signed by a witness with all signatories present.

Secure Web Forms

Benefits of Web Forms

Email Personalization
Personalized Web Forms

Personalize your web forms to collect the exact customer information your business needs.

User Friendly Platform
Collect Information Easily

Create the web forms your business needs with text boxes, tick boxes and drop-down fields.

Digital Signature Certificate
Add an eSignature

Easily add an eSignature to your web form and ensure your customers can sign your documents.

Improve Collaboration
Improved Customer Experience

Make it easier for your customers to share their information with easy-to-use, interactive web forms.

Reduce Costs with eSignatures
Digitalize Your Processes

Digitalize your document processes and speed up information and signature collection, so your business can get the data it needs efficiently and quickly.

Increased Efficiency
Integrate Into Your Website, Email or App

Embed your web form into your website, app, or email to collect the information you need from your users.

Flexible eSignature Process

Seamless Integration

eSign integrates with leading software platforms to improve and simplify your transaction.

eSign Integrations
eSign Integrations

Technical Checklist

  •  eSign will digitalize any documents you require
  •  Add interactive text boxes so your clients can add information and personal details
  •  With a clear submit button, you can ensure your clients complete their form correctly
  •  Make it easy for your customers to agree to Terms and Conditions with our T&Cs checkbox
  •  Add checkboxes to your web forms so your clients can select options that apply to them
  •  Make sure your web form is GDPR compliant with our GDPR disclaimer



eSign templates simplify document signing for your business, saving time and resources. Easily integrate electronic signatures into your workflow, whether it’s contracts, agreements, or other legal documents.

View eSign Templates

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Web Form?

Web forms, also known as HTML forms, simplify the process of gathering user data directly from a website. Here’s a straightforward explanation of how they work:

  1. User Input: Website visitors are presented with a form containing various fields to fill in specific information, such as their name, email address, phone number, and more.
  2. Data Submission: After completing the form, users submit it by clicking a “Submit” or “Send” button.
  3. Data Transmission: The data is then securely transmitted from the user’s web browser to the server hosting the website over the internet.
  4. Server Processing: Once the server receives the data, it processes it based on predefined logic or instructions, which might include storing the data in a database, sending email notifications, performing calculations, or triggering additional actions.
  5. Confirmation or Response: After processing, the server generates a response for the user, such as a confirmation message, a redirect to another page, or any other intended action.

Are Web Forms Efficient?

Web forms provide a convenient and efficient way for users to share their information and interact with websites. Whether signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or submitting an inquiry, web forms streamline data collection and support various online interactions.

Note: Website owners must ensure the security and privacy of collected data by implementing measures such as encryption and adhering to data protection regulations.

How do I Create a Web Form?

Web forms can be easily created by generating a link from a saved template in your eSign dashboard, and are available exclusively to our Enterprise customers. For more information, please contact our Digital Transformation team.

Can Web Forms Collect Important Information?

Web forms allow for the collection of essential information from website visitors, such as names, email addresses, preferences, comments, and feedback. This data is invaluable for lead generation, gaining customer insights, and enabling personalized communication. By using web forms, businesses can gather specific, structured data from visitors in a standardized manner, streamlining data management and minimizing the risk of errors or incomplete information.

Do Web Forms Improve Communication?

Web forms serve as an efficient channel for website visitors to communicate with a company. They enable users to easily send information, place orders, submit requests, or make inquiries directly and conveniently. This fosters seamless communication and enhances the overall user experience.

Can Web Forms Improve Conversions?

Thoughtfully designed web forms can significantly boost conversion rates by simplifying the process for visitors to complete desired actions. Clear and intuitive forms motivate users to interact with the website, thereby increasing the chances of successful conversions.

Do Web Forms Enhance User Experience?

Web forms play a crucial role in enhancing user experience by offering a user-friendly interface for data entry. They eliminate the necessity for lengthy email exchanges or phone conversations, enabling users to conveniently submit information at their own pace. This streamlined process contributes to a positive overall experience on the website.

Are Web Forms Flexible?

Web forms provide extensive customization options, empowering businesses to tailor form fields and designs to meet specific requirements. This flexibility ensures that forms align with branding guidelines and effectively collect pertinent information.

What are the Main Benefits of Web Forms?

Web forms are a versatile and powerful tool for websites, offering numerous benefits such as:

  1. Capturing Visitor Details: They efficiently gather information like names, emails, preferences, and more from visitors.
  2. Facilitating Communication: Users can easily send messages, place orders, submit inquiries, or make requests through web forms.
  3. Streamlining Data Collection: Forms standardize and simplify the process of collecting specific data from users.
  4. Improving Conversion Rates: Well-designed forms simplify the user journey, encouraging more visitors to complete desired actions.
  5. Enhancing User Experience: User-friendly interfaces and intuitive design elements make it convenient for users to interact with forms.
  6. Enabling Automation: Data submitted through forms can trigger automated actions such as notifications, updates, or database entries.
  7. Providing Customization Options: Businesses can customize form fields, layouts, and designs to align with branding and collect relevant information effectively.

Overall, web forms are essential for enhancing website functionality, engaging visitors, and optimizing business processes.

Are Web Forms Secure?

Yes, eSign utilizes SSL and encryption protocols to protect data during transmission and storage. However, it is crucial for the form owner to secure access to the form itself to ensure comprehensive security measures are in place.

What is the Difference Between a Web Form and HTML?

A Web Form is an integral part of an HTML document that includes diverse HTML form elements like input fields, selection menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and others. Users interact with a form by entering text, selecting options, and adjusting form elements before submitting the completed form for further processing.

How do Web Forms Work?

eSign Web Forms enable organizations to capture data from interactive forms and dynamically populate this information into agreements, facilitating electronic signatures. This streamlined process enhances efficiency and compliance in document management.

Looking to Try eSign's Web Forms?

The eSign electronic signature online document signing service free for 14 days, no credit card required
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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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