API & Developer Portal

Integrate eSign's API eSignature software into your website and existing applications for a seamless digital experience for both you and your customers.

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Get Started with Your eSign Integration

Integrate eSign's secure API with your software and elevate your agreement automation. Some of the capabilities include: Document signing, Requesting signatures from various parties, Automated document workflows, Multi-layered authentication and Real-time document monitoring.
1.1 million
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1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month

API connects your business processes.

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) acts as a software bridge, enabling multiple applications to communicate effortlessly. An API links your business processes, services, content, and data with channel partners, internal teams, and independent developers securely and efficiently.

APIs are rapidly becoming the standard for companies to exchange data and construct consistent cross-channel customer experiences.

What is an API?

Greater flexibility and convenience.

Why Use API?

An API offers users a range of seamlessly integrated features, delivering increased flexibility and convenience, especially when using digital signatures.

APIs consolidate various application functions into a unified software program, enhancing accessibility and the user experience for both you and your customers.

what is an signature

Compliant with all major eSignature laws.

Secure API with Streamlined Management

Choosing eSign’s API service guarantees the security and compliance of your API.

Our platform and advanced electronic signatures comply with global eSignature laws, utilizing an encrypted client library for end-to-end protection of your document contents and sensitive data.

Secure API Management

Easy to use eSign.

API Documentation

We aim to simplify the API integration process. To assist with integration, we’ve created the Developer Hub for eSign customers.

Here, you’ll find important links to documentation and reference codes and guides, along with our latest SDKs and Tools.

API Reference
eSign API Documentation

Business Benefits of API

Increased Efficiency
Enhanced Automation

Utilize an API to enable advanced automation into your workflows, ensuring a smoother and more efficient digital experience.

User Friendly Platform
Integrated Applications

Effortlessly merge multiple applications into a unified software platform using an API.

Service Level Agreement
Seamless Customer Experience

By integrating your applications, provide your customers with a cohesive and user-friendly website experience.

Elimate Human Error
Remove Barriers

Integrate an API to eliminate barriers between your customers and business, promoting increased traffic through flexible and convenient functionality.

Increased Security
Secure API

Rest assured that all your data and communications are secure and compliant with the eSign platform.

Reduce Filing
Build on Existing Systems

Use eSign's API to establish an integrated process within existing or new applications, innovating your current workflows.


Mid Devon Testimonial logo

Mid Devon District Council

“Using eSign has made our tenancy completion processes so simple. You don’t have to be technically savvy to be able to use the platform and it doesn’t draw on any other ICT resources. Our tenancy agreements and documents are signed within minutes and we’ve even had tenants’ comment on how easy it is to use as a signer which is fantastic.”

Lisa Harber | Team Leader 
Thula Testimonial logo


“We are very proud and thrilled to be working with the E-Sign team, creating a truly digital and revolutionising management tool for controlled drugs in a post-pandemic world. The benefits to the clinical and pharmacy teams are huge and drives greater legislative and regulatory confidence and safer and efficient patient care.”

Adele McAllister | Manager
Oxofrd University Testimonial logo

University of Oxford

“The University of Oxford have appointed E-Sign UK Ltd. as their preferred electronic signature platform. E-Sign quickly guided departments on the most cost-effective and efficient route offered, providing continued support to ensure contracts were completed and deadlines met.”

Purchasing Department | End User
Paratus Law Testimonial logo

Paratus Law

“The law supports the use of electronic signatures, and E-Sign is an essential tool for any business wishing to enhance customer experience and accelerate revenue. E-Sign is incredibly user-friendly, and using it has been a very positive experience both for me and for my clients.”

Simon Arthur | Owner
Beyondly Testimonial logo


“E-Sign has transformed our operations at Beyondly. Integrating E-Sign into our systems was relatively straight forward and has massively improved customer and team experience. As a Bcorp organisation we place high value on our environmental impact and since inception, E-Sign has represented a 31.46kg saving of CO2 entering the atmosphere.”

Emily Rice | Operations Manager
National Clinical Homecare Association

National Clinical Homecare Association

“The tools are very easy to set up and intuitive to use. When we encountered issues, the E-Sign team was agile enough to respond, usually on the same day. The copy template feature has made setup with new customers much easier.”

National Clinical Homecare Provider | End User
Slaters Heelis Solicitors logo

Slater Heelis Solicitors

“E-Sign is an invaluable tool that assists us in keeping track of our legal matters. It gives us full control of the document journey and has greatly improved signature capture and document turnaround times.”

Slaters Heelis Solicitors | End User
Morgan Ash Testimonial logo

Morgan Ash

“Working in the regulated financial and medical markets we need a quick secure and economical signature process. E-sign gives us all of these.”

Andrew Gething | Managing Director
Blue i Testimonial logo

Blue I Properties

“Can’t recommend E-Sign enough. It is quicker, easier and cheaper to use than many of their competitors.  The detailed Document History provides useful evidence and proof of when your document was created and signed.  Their team members are extremely knowledgeable of the systems, friendly and professional.  All in all, an amazing product at a very competitive price.”

Debbie Collins | Lettings Administrator
Government Property Testimonial

Government Property Agency

“One thing which sets E-Sign apart is their flexible signature packages, allowing flexibility in both pricing and usage to provide the best solution for the organisation. The GPA has been very well looked after by our E-Sign account manager and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them.”

Government Property Agency | End User
10-100 Devon Testimonial logo


“The solution was simple to use, has a great management portal, and the price met our expectations. We now use the product for our own internal use and have recommended and deployed it into our customers when we get requests for signature solutions. E-Sign’s ongoing support is excellent, and they are continuously improving and developing their solution.”

Paul Visagie | IT Consultant
Cambridgeshire County Council Logo

Cambridgeshire County Council

“E-Sign has brought both time and efficiency benefits to our department since we started using the platform two years ago. It is easy to use and they have useful training videos available which have been helpful for training our team on how to use the platform and its features.”

Wendy Ballard | End User
Churchill Support Services eSign Testimonial

“Using eSign has significantly increased the time it takes to send and receive contracts which means we close deals quicker. I especially like how you can redirect and edit documents without creating new envelopes and that I can keep track of which contracts are still pending signature as an admin. As an environmentally friendly business, it’s also helpful to see how much carbon we are saving with the carbon counter. I would definitely recommend eSign to a business who is looking to close deals faster.”

Katie Butcher | Client Relationship Manager

Feature Examples

Signature workflow via Iframe

Leverage eSign’s iFrame functionality to generate envelopes within your system.

One Click Send And Sign

Generate and sign an envelope effortlessly with a single click using the API.

Use OAuth 2 To Get Data

Retrieve account data seamlessly using eSign’s OAuth functionality.


Interested in testing our API? Request sandbox access now.

The API is available for a 14-day trial. Sign up today and request an API token by providing your email address below or contact us for more information.
Request Sandbox Access

Case Studies

National Clinical Homecare Association Case Study
National Clinical Homecare Association

The healthcare industry clearly recognised the need to adopt a digital approach to prescription processing, giving operational advantages, regulatory compliance and improvements to patient safety.

Mid Devon Case Study
Mid Devon District Council

There has been significant time and cost savings on the sign-up process for new tenants as there is no longer a requirement for officers or tenants to travel to meet in a location to sign the agreement. 

Leicester Hospitals eSign Case Study
University Hospitals Leicester

We have seen significant improvements in our pharmacy service efficiency since implementing eSign. The platform is user-friendly and has allowed our team to securely provide prescriptions for patient medication.




eSign templates can save you time and resources by avoiding the need to continually create new documents for every use. You can use our pre-built templates or upload your own to the platform and seamlessly integrate them into your processes.

View eSign Templates

eSign Solutions for all Industries

Accountancy Industry

Comprehensive digital document solutions tailored for accounting, propelling your business with optimized workflows, streamlined transactions, and economical services.

Education Industry

Elevate your educational institution with eSign's all-encompassing digital document solutions, enabling streamlined processes, efficient transactions, and cost-effective services.

Healthcare Industry

eSign presents comprehensive digital document solutions tailored for healthcare organizations, optimizing processes, enhancing transactions, and providing cost-effective services.

Insurance Industry

eSign delivers comprehensive digital document solutions designed for insurance companies, propelling your business ahead with streamlined processes, efficient transactions, and cost-effective services.

Legal Industry

eSign's intuitive interface and numerous integrations work with your systems, saving you time and money, so you can prioritize growth.

Life Sciences Industry
Life Sciences

Enhance document processing speed and completion, boost compliance adherence, and elevate contract reviews using a digital document management solution that streamlines the entire process.

Logistics Industry

Furnish your life sciences business with a digital document platform, enabling a cohesive agreement process, heightened efficiency, and accelerated document turnaround times.

More industries
See More

Frequently Asked Questions

An Application Programming Interface (API) serves as a software bridge that enables different applications to interact with one another. By using an API, you can seamlessly and securely link your business operations, services, content, and data with channel partners, internal teams, and independent developers.

An API offers customers a variety of seamlessly integrated features, enhancing flexibility and convenience—especially when incorporating digital signatures with other applications.

The E-Sign API allows developers to easily embed E-Sign’s electronic signature capabilities into their own applications. With this API, developers can efficiently create, send, and manage documents that require electronic signatures. Additionally, it enables tracking the signing status of documents and provides tools for managing account settings and user profiles.

The E-Sign API provides an excellent solution for simplifying the management of signed agreements. Developers can easily integrate their systems with the E-Sign API, offering a reliable and intuitive way to upload documents, initiate signing requests, send reminders, and collect electronic signatures.

Here are key terms and their definitions commonly used within our API:


A document is a file uploaded to E-Sign that becomes part of an envelope. Once uploaded, a document can be used to create templates, sent within an envelope, or attached as an additional file to an envelope.


An envelope is a structure that contains all the necessary data for completing an e-signature transaction. It includes one or more documents, signers, and metadata such as the envelope’s author and transaction details. Each envelope is assigned a unique ID for easy reference and interaction.


Signers are the main recipients of envelopes. They are designated during the envelope creation process and are prompted to review, agree to, and sign the documents within the envelope. Every envelope must have at least one signer.


Templates are reusable models that streamline the process of sending envelopes with standard information. Commonly used documents or groups of signers can be pre-configured for quick use.


Webhooks are automated notifications sent from one application to another when an event occurs. These messages, or payloads, are delivered to a specified URL. Webhooks are typically faster than polling methods and require less manual effort.


OAuth allows secure access to user data without requiring the user to share their E-Sign password. As a widely used authorization framework, OAuth enables users to grant permission for an application to interact with another service on their behalf, using access tokens instead of exposing their credentials.

To access our API, you will need an API key. Separate keys might be necessary for accessing the sandbox environment. These API keys do not expire unless you manually revoke them. Authentication for requests is done through the ‘Authorization: Token API_KEY’ header.


curl -X GET “https://sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/accounts” -H “accept: application/json” -H “Authorization: Token API_KEY”

E-Sign follows standard HTTP response codes to communicate the outcome of an API request. Generally:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate a successful request.
  • Codes in the 4xx range signify an error due to issues with the provided information (e.g., missing a required parameter or a failed charge).
  • Codes in the 5xx range represent server errors on E-Sign’s side, which are rare.
Code Explanation
200 – OK Everything worked as expected.
201 – Created The request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result.
204 – No Content The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.
400 – Bad Access The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 – Unauthorized No valid API key provided.
402 – Request Failed The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 – Forbidden The API key doesn’t have permissions to perform the request.
404 – Not Found The server can not find the requested resource – the endpoint is valid but the resource itself does not exist.
409 – Conflict The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key).
410 – Gone This response is sent when the requested content has been permanently deleted from the server, with no forwarding address.
422 – Unprocessable Entity The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
429 – Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
500, 502, 503, 504 – Server Errors Something went wrong on E-Sign’s end. These responses are very uncommon.

This guide leads you through a typical implementation of the E-Sign API.

This guide will go through the process of sending an envelope from document upload to envelope submission.

The first step is retrieving the document ID of any documents that will be included in the envelope.

Documents can be uploaded by passing them in base64 format to API, a document ID will be returned in the response.

POST https://sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/uploads/


Retrieving document ID json body code

Example Response

Example response code document ID

The returned ID will be used in the body of then envelope request.

The next stage is the collection of relevant data for the envelope, for example, the signers name and email and any fields required on the document.

Fields are the essential building blocks that give envelopes their function, E-Sign uses different fields for different purposes, fields include request signature, request text and many more.

For this example, we will just be adding one signature field to the document.

Fields are positioned and rendered over the top of the uploaded document by the server once the envelope has been signed and completed. The field positioning is done using percentages so the positioning can remain dynamic.

POST https://sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/envelopes

Adding one signature field to document code

Once the envelope request has been made the signer will receive an email with the information included in the body of the request, the email will also contain a link to open the signing page.

Documents are required for sending envelopes. Their IDs are specified in the body of the envelope request.

Documents can be uploaded by passing them in base64 format to the API, the documents ID will be returned in the body of the response.

POST https://sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/uploads

JSON Body:

uploading document to envelope code

Example response:

Example response code document ID

This will add the document to the account connected to the API Key.

Envelopes contain documents that are sent to the end user to be signed, envelopes are created and completed all from within the API.

To send an envelope, you must first upload any documents required for sending. The create envelope request will use the ID of these documents.

Request URL

POST “https://sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/envelopes”

Simple body

Adding one signature field to document code

The primary requirements in the body are the documents with their document fields and signers. Together these form an envelope. There are additional parameters that can be added into an envelope request however they are not required as the API will provide default values for any values not specified.

The ID of each document should be specified in the documents object in the document array, each document that is in the array will be part of the envelope sent to the signer.

The document objects contain the identifying data for the document and the fields that are present on the document. All fields available on the web app are also available on the API.

Document Field example body

document field example body

A document field can be any of the following:

  • request-text
  • checkbox
  • signature
  • initials
  • date
  • dropdown
  • qrcode
  • add-text
  • payment
  • file
  • seal

These are also the identifiers for the field types defined as the “field_type” value.

The field required Boolean value defines if the user will be required to complete the field to continue. It defaults to false.

The field place holder value sets a text description of the field, this again is optional and only used for text fields.

The field amount value specifies the amount when using the payment field.

The field value is the value of the request field.

Field drop down options are used when using the drop-down field.

The document position specifies the location of the field relative to the top left corner of the document, percentages are used so that scalability can be allowed.

To see all the available values in the body of the request view the schema on the api reference, there you will find a brief description for each value.

Signing envelopes is a simple process that involves simply providing the field values for the fields on an envelope. The values are sent in the body of the request alongside an agree or decline value and some meta data for the envelope.

POST /v3/signers/signer_id/documents/document_id

In the request URL the id of the signer and id of the document should be specified, this can be found in the response on a create envelope call.

Signing an envelope code

Once the data has been arranged correctly in this format the signature request can be submitted.

A request should be made for each document in the envelope.

This guide will follow the process required to complete a document inside an Iframe.

This is used when you would like to keep a customer in one environment and not require them to be redirected to E-Sign. You can complete an entire process from within your own site.

The first part of this process is creating the envelope using the api. A shortened example of the body of the request is shown below:

Signing an envelope inside an iframe

Here the envelope should be created as normal but signing emails should be set to true so that an email is not sent to the signer, this is because the signer will be signing using an iframe instead.

The next step is to assign the correct URI to the iframe so that the envelope can be signed.

The URI is constructed as follows:


When assigned to an iframe this will redirect to app.e-sign.co.uk and show the signing page for the user.

If testing in sandbox use sandbox.e-sign.co.uk instead of api.e-sign.co.uk, this will redirect to xyz.e-sign.co.uk to test your process.


The URI can be assigned to the iframe src tag and displayed on a webpage.

How to sign an envelope inside an iframe

E-Sign can make POST requests to your URLs when events occur on your account.

The events that can be used as triggers:

  • Document Signed
  • Envelope Created
  • Envelope Completed

[ document_signed, envelope_created, envelope_completed ]

The webhook will be triggered on the selected event and the POST request will follow to the selected URL defined in the body of the create webhook request.

webhook example code


webhook example response

The content of the post request made to the target url will contain data based on the event:

Document signed events:

document signed events

Envelope created and completed:

envelope created and completed

Existing webhooks can be retrieved using the GET webhooks route.

Retrieve Webhook: GET /v3/webhooks


webhook example response


Webhooks can be deleted using their unique ID

Delete webhook: DELETE /v3/webhooks/ID

On successful request the server will respond with a 204 code – No content.

This feature is designed to allow users to add fields to documents within an Iframe utilizing the existing E-Sign web app.

Creating your own interface to add fields to documents can be very time consuming but may be required if you wish to create custom workflows in your own environment.

This API call returns a URI that can be assigned to an iframe that will allow you to add fields to documents and send the envelope from within the Iframe.

The body of the request is similar to the body of a create envelope request just without the document field data on each document object.

POST ‘sandbox.e-sign.co.uk/v3/envelopes/redirect’

Example body:

signing an envelope inside an iframe


Example response:

Adding a field to an iframe

The API uses the document ids in the body to retrieve the relevant documents from the database.

The Iframe is an instance of the envelope creation process and has a simple to follow workflow.

The user can add fields, then confirm and send their document with the same flow on the webapp.

Once the flow is completed and the envelope has been sent, the child page within the iframe emits a post message from the e-sign url that can be used as indication that the process has been complete.

In the demo on this site the post message is used as an indicator to close the iframe and redirect the user using host listeners in angular.

Close iframe and redirect using host listener


The click to sign on the demo site work by utilizing E-Sign’s templates.

The workflow is quite simple but makes effective use of the template using HTML forms to fill the fields before the envelope has been generated.

The data is collected on the web app before the envelope is generated.

A template request pulls in the template and the relevant fields are displayed. Once the user has filled in the fields and a submit action is triggered the envelope is generated from the template and then completed immediately following its creation using the pre collected data on the web page.

In our click to sign demo we use this same process.

The template has three fields, two request text boxes for Name and Email and a Signature field.

The request text fields have placeholder text ‘Name’ and ‘Email’. When the get template request returns the template, the placeholder text for each field can be used to assign HTML input fields to each request text field.

On the page the document is then displayed inside an image tag and the HTML input fields can be absolutely positioned based on the position values returned in the template response.

Input and position fields

The field position is a percentage relative to the top left corner of the document. This allows the field position to always be correct regardless of the size of the display.

To send any envelope, a signer’s name and email are required, therefore these two fields are included as they will be used for the envelope creation.

Note: in the body of the request dont_send_signing_emails is set to true so that the process is contained to the custom environment.

In the example, once the user has filled in the name and email inputs, the signature field automatically populates using the signers name, this is done to keep the signing process simple as completed document will have an autonomously generated signature anyway.

Signature field automatically populates

Once all the field data has been collected, the envelope can be created from the template and signed in sequence allowing the process to be complete instantly.

Envelope created from template

OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows you to approve one application interacting with another on your behalf without giving away your password.

OAuth doesn’t share password data but instead uses authorization tokens to prove an identity between consumers and service providers.

For example, you can tell E-Sign that it’s OK for third-party-site.com to access your account without having to give third-party-site.com your E-sign password. This minimizes risk in a major way: In the event third-party-site.com suffers a breach, your E-sign password remains safe.

OAuth is available to API customers. It can be used to act on the users’ behalf without the user sharing their password, instead the third-party application receives an access token that is used as the Bearer Token to make calls to the E-Sign API on the users’ behalf.

An overview of the steps:

  1. Create an OAuth application via the API.
  2. Construct the redirect link.
  3. Allow the user to log in to via the redirect link.
  4. The user will then be redirect back to your website along with a redirect code in the parameter of the url.
  5. The code can then be used in a call to the API to retrieve a user token.
  6. The returned user token can then be used to make calls on the users’ behalf.

Step one: Create an OAuth application via the API.

This can be done via the API.

Here is an example of an OAuth app’s data once it has been created:

oauth application example

Step 2: Construct the redirect link.

A link to E-Sign’s authorization page can be constructed in the following format:


Using our application data, the link would be:


Step 3: Allow the user to log in to via the redirect link.

This link will redirect to the OAuth authorization page prompting the user to log into their e-sign account and allow the application to use their data.

Step 4: The user will then be redirect back to your website along with a redirect code in the parameter of the url.

After the user has agreed they will be redirected to the redirect_uri with a code parameter attached e.g., http://demo-site.com?code=72837jzcks3rr

Step 5: The code can then be used in a call to the API to retrieve a user token.

This code is important as it is required for the next step, getting a token for the user requests.

The endpoint to retrieve a user token is https://api.e-sign.co.uk/v3/oauth/token, as a POST request and takes the following body:

Using oauth example

For a successful request you should expect to receive the following:

Successful oauth request

The access token can now be used as the bearer token for any requests for the users’ data

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