The eSign Story

We are dedicated to accelerating and streamlining document processes worldwide. eSign is a leading, global provider in eSignature technology, collaborating with diverse industries to deliver tailored digital document solutions.

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About eSign Story
1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month
1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month

eSign Founded in 2012

In 2012, Thomas Taylor, our Managing Director, embarked on the journey of developing the initial eSign platform. Recognizing inefficiencies in document handling, such as waiting for contracts and the slow process of printing, signing, and scanning, Thomas sought to revolutionize document management. Since then, eSign has evolved into a foremost global provider of electronic signatures and digital solutions with offices located in the UK, EU and USA. With an intuitive platform and an array of innovative products, we take pride in optimizing businesses' time, finances, and processes.

Our service plays a significant role in people’s lives.

Trusted by Customers Worldwide

We acknowledge the profound responsibility of transmitting and managing documents. Understanding that our service often impacts pivotal life events, such as property acquisitions, urgent medical care, and humanitarian endeavors, we prioritize ensuring the secure completion of your entire document journey. 

Our vigilant real-time monitoring and dedicated customer support ensure a seamless experience from document creation to signature capture. We work with a range of experts and have achieved various industry accreditations to ensure that we operate to the highest standards relative to your industry.

what is an signature

Our solutions give businesses the digital tools for success.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At eSign, we are committed to leaving a positive impact on our communities and the environment. We encourage our team members to actively engage in the community, offering two paid days annually for volunteer work. 

We are passionate about promoting sustainability across the world, with our solutions equipping businesses with the digital tools to reduce their carbon footprint. Conscious of our global impact, we strive to encourage sustainability and expand access to these tools worldwide.

electronic signature explained

Our products make processes more simple.

eSign Approach and Values

  • We are Agile
  • We are Accountable
  • We are Purposeful

We are an ever-growing global technology company creating market leading software. Through the digitization of document send processes, we are also helping to reduce the user of paper and support businesses on their net-zero journey.

We constantly strive to deliver the best customer experience, maintaining as close to a 100% sign success rate as possible. It is important that customers maintain trust in us and our ability to securely look after their documents.

eSign Approach and Values

Our employees are at the center of the company

Why Work for eSign?

At eSign, we recognize that our employees are at the center of our company. That’s why we invest in their growth, providing opportunities for development, comprehensive training, and ensuring an inclusive and supportive work environment. 

We believe that a culture of open communication nurtures innovation and individual growth, driving our collective success. Our commitment to employee development ensures that our team members are empowered with the skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Join us at eSign, where your professional growth is our priority, and your contributions are instrumental to our shared success.

Working eSign Team

E-Sign’s Global Expansion

As a fast-growing provider of invaluable eSignature and digital document solutions, we don’t just want to help UK businesses, but organizations across the world. With this in mind, we have expanded our reach by adding two new offices, located in Dublin and New York. 

This allows us to offer a personalized presence that ensures a greater insight into the needs of our customers. Therefore, we can continually improve our services to help us better meet the requirements of a wide range of businesses. 

We are committed to supporting companies across all industries internationally and the opening of our latest offices is another important step in our growth and towards achieving our goals. See all our office locations and get in touch. 

eSign Documents Quickly

Our Services

Electronic Signature Services
Electronic Signatures

Digitalise your document signing process with our secure and compliant eSignatures solutions and enjoy increased productivity, streamlined administration and substantial cost savings.

Web Form Services
Web Forms

Allow customers to fill in and eSign documents on your website, app or via email, collecting all the information you require in an easy and signable format.

ID Checker Services
ID Checker

With our embedded iD Checker, you can verify the identity of your eSigners to minimise the risk of fraud and ensure your transactions are secure

Personalized Email Services
Personalised Emails

Ensure strong, uniformed branding across all your communications and send documents for eSignature in a personalised email.

Verification Tools
Verification Tools

Use eSign’s verification tools, anytime, anywhere to ensure your transactions are secure and fully verified

API Developer Portal
API Payment Processing

Integrate eSign’s API eSignature software into your website today for a smoother digital experience for you and your customers.


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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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