About eSign

By simplifying document processes and providing bespoke digital document solutions we help organizations worldwide to streamline their operations and improve productivity.

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E-Sign Timeline About
1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month
1.1 million
documents processed per month
new signers per month
envelopes sent per month

Delivering Leading Digital Solutions

eSign is a global leader in the electronic signature industry. Our user-friendly platform and innovative suite of products, saves time, money, and hassle on day-to-day business processes. Alongside our e-signature platform, we offer a comprehensive range of services to support unified digitalization and simplified document transaction management to various sectors, including government and healthcare.

Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo
Walgreens Boots Logo
UK Fuels Logo
TY Logo
Somerset Council Logo
Peterborough City Council Logo
NHS Logo
NFU Mutual Logo
Multivac Logo
Mid Devon Council Logo
UHL Logo
Hart District Council Logo
10 100 Logo

Our Leadership

Thomas Taylor

Managing Director

Thomas Taylor

Managing Director

As Managing Director, Thomas oversees the global business strategy and leads the business, ensuring the company achieves its strategic vision and adheres to the principles and beliefs upon which it was founded.

Adam Ross

Director of Operations

Adam Ross

Director of Operations

As Operations Director, Adam is responsible for ensuring we adhere to industry compliance and regulations and for the everyday business of eSign. He ensures that the teams are perfectly equipped to work effectively for the betterment of our customers.

Luke Garrett

Head of Digital Transformation

Luke Garrett

Head of Digital Transformation

Luke works with organizations to evaluate their existing processes, assessing the organizational change and change management processes that a business may require. He leads organizations through the process and ensures a smooth transition to the most effective operations.

Desislava Topuleva

Customer Success Manager

Desislava Topuleva

Customer Success Manager

Desi’s focus is on the success of our customers. She assists customers with real time queries and platform adoption. Desi evaluates the correct solution for your business and helps your team members adopt ‘best practice’ workflows.

Laura Cain

Marketing & Brand Manager

Laura Cain

Marketing & Brand Manager

Laura is responsible for implementing, executing and overseeing the marketing strategy for the business. She works to ensure we convey eSign’s core values across all aspects of the business and have best communication practices with our clients.

The eSign Story

Since eSign was founded in 2012, it has grown to play a pivotal role in expediting and streamlining global document processes. eSign stands as a prominent authority in eSignature technology, collaborating with diverse industries to deliver tailor-made digital document solutions.

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about esign

Why eSign

eSign can help to maximize the full potential of your business with our effortless digital solutions, no matter where you are located. As an industry leading eSignature provider, we’re committed to providing secure, optimized, and environmentally-friendly transactions to our clients.

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Why Choose E-Sign


Our employees are the core of eSign. We invest in their growth by providing quality training and a positive, inclusive work environment. Our culture of open communication encourages idea-sharing and ensures each individual can thrive. 

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eSign Careers

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Accreditations & Awards

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
eSign Digital Winner UK
2023 SME Committed Badge
Cyber Essentials Plus

Reviews & Security

Secure Trusted Commerce
Rapid SSL Logo
Viking Cloud Logo
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